Master's Thesis - Mesh Colors in Frostbite 3

For my master's thesis at DICE EA and Frostbite I implemented the Mesh Colors rendering algorithm in Frostbite 3. Mesh Colors seeks to avoid the cons with UV-mapped textures such as discontinuities, unintuitive mapping workflows, waste of texture memory, and unflexibility when changing the mesh topology or vertex positions. It uses the inherent parameterization of the mesh to evenly distribute color samples directly associated with the geometry of the mesh on a per-face basis. Because of this we effectively get hexagonal shaped texels, which is pretty cool :)

The algorithm was implemented in the Frostbite 3 code base as a proof of concept and to be able to compare it to regular UV-mapped textures concerning rendering time, memory footprint, and overall usability. It was written in C++ and HLSL shader code in the Frostbite engine code base.

Frostbite publication: Per-face parameterization for Texture Mapping of Geometry in Real-Time
Thesis paper: Per-face parameterization for Texture Mapping of Geometry in Real-Time