
Mesh Colors

Master's Thesis - Mesh Colors in Frostbite 3

2014 | C++ HLSL DirectX DICE Frostbite | Rendering, Realtime, Math/algebra
For my master's thesis at DICE EA and Frostbite I implemented the Mesh Colors rendering algorithm in Frostbite 3. By using the inherent parameterization of the mesh, Mesh Colors seeks to avoid the cons with UV-mapped textures such as discontinuities, waste of texture memory, and unflexibility when changing the mesh topology or vertex positions. Read more...

Monte Carlo Raytracer

2013 | C++ | Rendering equation C++ Light transport
A stochastic ray tracer using a Monte Carlo integral estimator to approximate the solution to the rendering equation, supporting refracted and reflected rays. The rendering equation is split in direct and indirect illumination parts and uses shadow rays by sampling light sources. Implemented in C++. Read more...
Soft shadows

Soft shadows by Imperfect Shadow maps & SSAO

2013 | C++ GLSL GLM GLUT | Realtime, Math/algebra
A project implementing soft shadows for dynamic scenes in real time, using a combination of imperfect shadow maps and screen space ambient occlusion. Main parts implemented by me are the entire SSAO algorithm, as well as the pull-push interpolation algorithm used in the Imperfect Shadow maps method presented. Read more...

Physically Based Simulation of Fire

2013 | C++ | Offline simulation, Navier-Stokes, Implicit surfaces
A physically based simulation of fire, using two seperate incompressible flow equations to simulate the unignited fuel and the hot gaseous products. These equations are coupled together using a ghost fluid method. I implemented the vorticity confinement method used to introduce high frequency details in the simulation, as well as gradient operators and parts of the pressure solving method and boundary conditions. Read more...
Modeling and Animation

Modeling and Animation

2013 | C++ | Mesh structures, Subdivision, Implicit surfaces
These are labs completed for the course Modeling and Animation held in the spring of 2013. The labs incluce mesh data structures, mesh decimation, Loop subdivision, implicit surface representations, Level sets, and fluid simulation using the Navier-Stokes stable fluids method. All labs were completed in collaboration with a fellow student. Read more...

Simulated Depth of Field on the GPU using the Heat Equation

Diffusion DOF
2012 | C++ GLSL | Post-processing
We created an interactive depth of field using simulated heat diffusion for real time computer graphics applications. Using an original RGB rendering along with the depth buffer, we calculate a focus map from user defined camera parameters (aperture, focal depth and focus plane distance). This focus map is then treated as a heat insulator ... Read more...
Interactive cloth simulation

Interactive Cloth Simulation

2012 | C++ GLUT | Realtime simulation
Together with four friends I implemented a real time cloth simulation using OpenGL and C++. The simulation uses a spring-mass-system consisting of a grid of points connected with a number of springs of different types. The dots positions are approximated using a second order Euler approximation with a fixed time step. The simulation is interactive. I implemented the methods for user interaction, e.g. grabbing, cutting, and tearing of the cloth. Read more...